Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What do I do if lose a license plate, vehicle registration or driver’s license, or have license plates confiscated?

Answer: Lost items need to be reported to the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (NYS DMV) via the MV-78B form. One can be obtained from any officer or the Administrative Office during normal business hours. License plates that are confiscated by the department may be returned once proper proof is shown from the NYS DMV. If plates cannot be returned to you, a form stating the date and the reason for confiscation will be given to you to present as proof to the NYS DMV.

Question:  Does the Geddes Police Department provide fingerprint services for the general public?

Answer: Yes. We print people for employment, including home day care providers, certain licenses, including securities, and for personal identification.

We cannot print for weapons permits.

You must call the administrative number and make an appointment.

Question:  How can I get a copy of a police report ?

Answer: The Town of Geddes Police Department Administration office is open 8 am to 4 pm. Monday through Friday. Reports can be picked up anytime during these hours and cost $.25 a page.

A report can also be requested through the mail.