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Welcome to the Geddes Dog Control Department

(including Solvay and Lakeland)

Email:  dogcontrol@townofgeddes.com

Dog Control is available  Monday through Friday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. (Memorial Day through Labor Day we close an hour early on Fridays); contact number is 315-468-3600 ext 320. During these hours, I can help you with DOG LICENSING questions, LOST or FOUND dogs, and make contact with residents regarding on going NEIGHBOR COMPLAINTS.

Our (part-timer) is available to help with LOST or FOUND dogs, when the office is CLOSED; her phone number is 315-559-7891.

Please be aware that we house our LOST and FOUND dogs at the CNY SPCA on 5878 E. Molloy Road, in Syracuse; contact number for them is 315-454-4479.  If you see ANYTHING CONCERNING, put a call into them RIGHT AWAY. 



Additional Department Pages:

Dog Licensing

Complaints on Dogs

After Hours Help