The Town of Geddes is in the process of preparing a Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) for the waterfront area along Onondaga Lake.
The Town of Geddes Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) is a comprehensive approach to re-imagining the town’s waterfront. This process is a joint effort between the Town of Geddes, the City of Syracuse and Onondaga County to support natural resource protection, enhance waterfront access, improve multi-modal connectivity options, and provide economic revitalization opportunities.
The preparation of a LWRP is approximately a 12 to 18 month process that will result in a planning document encompassing a community-driven vision for revitalization and specific project and policies to successfully realize key opportunities. The planning process includes the following key steps:
Developing an Inventory and Analysis of Key Existing Conditions within the Waterfront Revitalization Area (WRA) Boundary (see boundary map below)
Identifying Policies and Programs to Support Waterfront Revitalization Goals
Defining Local and Regional Projects to Enhance the WRA and support City and Regional Revitalization Goals
Want to learn how to get involved? Learn more about upcoming public workshops and other engagement opportunities, as well as links to past presentations and meeting summaries.
Geddes LWRP’s next meeting:
Stakeholders or “Interested Parties” for the Town of Geddes Local Waterfront Revitalization Program is scheduled for Wednesday May 22, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at the Honeywell Visitors Center (Directions are included on the Agenda).
We are looking forward to seeing you tomorrow evening.
We are hoping for in-person contact but just in case;
A link to ZOOM is below.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 282 987 6034
Passcode: ywP82n
Want to learn more about the NYS LWRP? Please click the button below to visit the NYS DOS webpage