
Federal and State funding is increasingly tied to a community’s Comprehensive Plan. The Town
of Geddes and Village of Solvay established their own Comprehensive Plan in June of 2019. The
Town and Village elected to work together to complete a joint intermunicipal comprehensive
plan in order to foster a more integrated Village and Town environment.

The Town has been able to secure funding for various projects with grants, thanks
to the help of Councilor Susan LaFex and Grant Writer Leann West.

Funding Awarded to TOG:

• $279,610 to upgrade the streetscapes on major, heavily-traveled roads in the Town, including West Genesee Street, State Fair Boulevard, and the streets around Cherry Road School. The funding, along with funds from the American Rescue Plan, will also be used to support local businesses in the Town of Geddes with the development of a small business grant program and a façade grant program. This project will beautify major thoroughfares, support local businesses, and improve the quality of life for residents of the Town. This proposal is guided by the Comprehensive Plan the Town of Geddes adopted in 2018.
• $60,000 to build a bridge to link to the Loop the Lake trail at Dwight Park. This is part of an
overall revamp of the cul de sac area of Dwight Park, which will be cleaned out and revitalized as
a picnic/gathering/parking area for residents to hop on the Loop the Lake trail.
• $295,974 from the Department of State Local Government Efficiency Program for the shared
property data collection project with the Town of Onondaga.
• $219,161 from the Department of Environmental Conservation Climate Smart Communities
program for the improvements at Westvale Plaza.
• $25,000 from Onondaga County Community Development awarded to improve access for
persons with disabilities and the parking lot at the Carno Center.
• $11,000 for installation of a Car Charging Station at the Town Hall.
• $50,000 Cyber security upgrades and installations to ensure security for TOG departments,
information and systems.
• $50,000 Onondaga County’s Ways and Means committee recommended approval of the CDG
proposal to renovate and secure access for persons with disabilities at Lakeland Park.